3 Tips to improve your Website Design


3 Tips to improve your Website Design

It is not enough if you just have a great product and a great office space; your digital presence needs to reflect that as well. Having a great website can make all the difference. Here in this article, we have come up with certain essential tips in regard to website design to make the overall experience better.

  1. Plan it

It is important to have a plan before you start designing your website. Website design like any other form of design can quickly get out of hand, and if you don’t have a plan to start out with, you may end up preferring aesthetic appeal over functional appeal quite quickly. Always make sure to map out the consumer’s experience and see whether everything is designed to enable easy user experience. The important point to focus on is to follow a step by step approach and not focus on the end-point at the beginning itself.

  1. What not to do?

Most people have this misconception that thickset images and words such as flexible, out of the box thinking and innovative design can greatly influence consumer experience. It actually ends up doing the reverse; you have to keep in mind that people who visit your website are only going to have an attention span of 8 seconds. The attention span is a criterion that needs to be taken seriously, and the website should be designed around it. The present trend is to have appropriate photos with minimalistic design and simple terms that convey what you’re trying to sell instead of clouding the thought process of consumers.


  1. Untapped Markets

You have to view customers as potential promoters who work for you for no pay. If you have a great website with the perfect design and content, people will be drawn to share it with their friends. So what we are trying to get at is that you should be adding social buttons on your website that can make it easy for the person visiting your website to share your content with the rest of their friends. The big picture outlook will be that if a person with over a million followers land upon your website and decides to share the content with his or her legions of fans; you are essentially getting mentioned for free without having to do any form of promotion. The important thing is to be subtle about it. The buttons need to be strategically placed; you shouldn’t push your customers to share but instead, leave it to them to take that call. Remember the more you push, the less cool you will look.

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